Customer Testimonials

  • Thank you for the back facial that completely transformed my back. It is so clear now and I haven't gotten any pimples or blackheads since [my session]. It has been the biggest confidence-booster and I will definitely be coming back! You are the best!!!

    — S. Purcell

  • Going to see Kiah is my favorite part of the month! She has changed my face completely. She made me feel beautiful again! I absolutely love her and her service. She is so kind and welcoming you will feel like you are right at home when she is taking care of you. Honestly *the best* customer service I have had.

    — D. Berry

  • Kiah was absolutely amazing! I added on a back facial as well and both left me feeling like I had new skin. It was so gentle that I fell asleep for a bit. Will definitely be returning in the future.

    — Elizabeth